Edición|fibromialgia.nom.es 30 de julio del 2007 La farmacéutica SEPRACOR se suma a la investigación para el tratamiento de nuestra enfermedad con un compuesto agonista de GABA A denominado SEP-225441 tal y como se indica en el diario económico Bussines wire "SEP-225441, a compound for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, is expected to begin a pharmacological proof-of-concept study in the clinic in the third quarter of 2007. Additionally, Sepracor anticipates submitting two to three new Investigational New Drug Applications in the near future for product opportunities in depression, and potentially broader clinical application to conditions such as pain, bipolar disease and fibromyalgia." tags blogs fibromialgia síndrome+fatiga+cronica dolor dolor+cronico fibromyalgia pain fibromialgia sindrome fatiga cronica dolor cronico
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